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30-Day Writing Plan: Day 9, Lover

the rim of her black glasses reflected a soft glow on my face

underneath hid a set of hazel-brown eyes, her gaze made me transfixed

they were like two drops of forest honey, the sweetest kind

a breeze rustled through her brilliantly black hair, moving them out of place

her gentle touch shifted the loose strands of hair aside

we looked at each other, under the glowing artist and his work of art

i could see her smile, it was beautiful

the world was ours,

two young kids, exploring a vast metropolis

the world was massive,

but it didn't matter to us, we were each other's world

always there for each other, no matter what was thrown at us

we sat by and watched the rich hues of orange, blended with purple and pink

engulfed by the blanket of night, covered with stars

a new day would come

our journey was not over.


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