the fear of the unknown is something in-tuned into us.
we fear what we do not know.
it's why the mere discussion of death has become a taboo topic.
we are scared of death because we will never know how we leave this earth, and what may lie beyond.
dead men tell no tales.
it's only natural that we hope what lays beyond is a fair reflection of how we spent our lives.
it makes us live our life better, so when we inevitably depart, we go to a better place.
different people, religions, cultures all have different beliefs on what lies beyond.
it may be heaven and hell, you may be reborn again, or it may just be darkness.
the truth is that no one can ever know for sure.
the only thing we can do is to live our lives to the best of our abilities.
work hard, achieve those goals you'v always wanted.
life is short, make use of what little time you have to live without regrets.
