I used to be a shy and timid boy. I would keep to myself, never volunteering for anything. I was merely 7 or 8 years old, I had a loving family, my grades were excelling, what more could I ask for? I didn't have many friends in the beginning. I mean of course, I wasn't sociable, furthermore I was short and chubby, how appealing. Anyways, my school had a buddy system, where a older student would buddy with the new students to show them around the school. I was quite lucky to be paired up with a student named Kai. He was a year older than myself, yet back then he seemed so much older to me. He had quite an aura. Looking back at those times now, I admit he maybe wasn't the best influence on me. He was quite a wild kid, he knew all the secret alleys in the school, what secret food we could order at the canteen. I was like a fish ball then, I couldn't defend myself if anyone tried to bully me. He would try to help me out whenever he could and he would show me around the school.
Up til today there was this one thing he said to me that I could never forget. We were siting together behind the basketball court enjoying our meal, we were having a conversation about how my life in school was going. That was when he asked me, "Why are you always so quiet and scared, you should talk more, mix around with your batch." At first I was skeptical, I've been raised to be more quiet, listen to instructions, not really much else. I lied some crazy reason and I quickly diverted the topic. We didn't talk much about it until right before we left back to class. He told me, "Hey uhh, just some advice from me, your time as a kid is short, enjoy it while you can. Go out there, make friends, have some fun."
I never fully grasped what he said then, I just knew that my "older brother" in the school thinks that I should do it, so I did. It's been nearly a decade since that incident, yet I still remember his words clearly, and I still follow them. Now I am a student councilor, vice president of my CCA, I've made many friends along my journey, I'm happy. He was so wise despite his tender years, he understood that we should make full use of our short times in school. It really was short, before I knew it, I graduated from primary school and now I'm on the verge of graduating secondary school. I credit him for making me open up more, socialize. He really changed me to become who I am today.