Meeting your idol is really special. Someone you've looked up to for so long. Personally I do not really idolize anyone, because I think there is a really toxic culture brewing when it comes to idolizing celebrities and it should be talked about. I understand that it is natural for us to look up to these idols, but it has really gone too far. We shouldn't treat anyone like gods, not even these celebrities, you don't serve under them like some army. One must learn to treat themselves well, get their priorities straightened when idolizing celebrities. Supporting them must not come at the cost of your own social life, sleep or studies. Supporting idols can take over your entire life and we must all understand that. Defending one's idol is a whole other story, we should not hurt others and bring them down because of their opinions on one's idol. Do not dig up private information from their lives to attack them. Learn to accept each other as having different opinions, heck, even learn to accept that both people are talented. These actions have become especially prevalent in sports and both English and Korean music. I hope that one day, we can be a more accepting society over the people we idolize, but at the moment, things aren't looking good.