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A Letter, For Me.

Imagine, you could write a letter to your future self, what would you write?

dear future me:

addressing you feels strange.

we are the same, yet so vastly different.

I am flawed, while you are flawless.

when I look in the mirror, it isn’t you I see, it’s still me.

I’m not you just yet.

In fact, I’ve got a long way to go.

awaiting me are the challenges and experiences I know you’ve already overcome.

it’s alright that I’m not perfect.

mistakes are bound to happen.

so long as I find a silver lining, learn from it, I’m okay with it.

I want to live.

grasping every opportunity, enjoying life to its fullest.

speaking of opportunity, I’ve always wanted to ask you,

what lies ahead for me?

recently, all these exams and interviews have stressed me out.

they all impact my future some way or another.

it would be great to be assured about how things will go in the future.

furthermore, I was thinking,

wouldn’t it be nice to know where my friends and I would be in the future?

we’ve promised all sorts of things, turn up at each other’s wedding or even “friends till the end.”

these are the people I would take a bullet for. they are the reason why I drag myself to school every day. maybe it’ll change in 5? 10 years? that would be something I would love to find out.

honestly, there’s a whole truckload of questions I would pepper u with.

however, some things are best left for me to slowly discover.

why would I want to know how I would die? that’s just morbid, I’ll be paranoid for life.

perhaps one day, I’ll be you.

I’ll have achieved everything I’ve wanted in this world.

who knows.

all I can do is to always do better.


imperfect you.


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