What is my purpose in life? Why are we put on this place we call Earth? I think many of us have questioned our mere existence before. Many people use religion as a means to explain their purpose. It gives them a purpose in life, to achieve something over their short lifespan, and perhaps, there’s more that lies beyond. Personally, I’m more of a free thinker, not really having a religion to begin with. However, I feel that many of the teachings and values religions teach you are valuable lessons to learn. My view on my purpose in life may not be complicated and all encompassing, yet I try to live by this in my daily life. We may not know all the ins and outs of the vast universe we live in, but I think through our limited years on this Earth, we have to at least try to make the best of them. Experience all the things you can, gain unforgettable experiences, always aim to improve oneself. I think that self improvement can be a really strong force to push yourselves forward, providing one a purpose every single day, improve myself.